Short and sweet.
Kai has been growing up so much lately. He’s incredibly expressive and inquisitive and curious these days. He’s also reached a stage of teaching his friends how to do something instead of just snatching it away. He knows the rules now and even if he forgets for a moment, he will quickly make corrections. He even puts himself in time-out. For the most part, Kai has been super easy to hang around. He even let me take a selfie with him.
Wardrobe choices
Backwards pants. Inside-out shirts. Several socks on one foot. Or, the most uncomfortable-looking of all: backwards underwear. Kai is pushing the envelope of acceptable attire. Even though they are not fashion choices mama would pick, she is not going to burst his “big boy” bubble.
There is one type of clothing he wants to wear all day, everyday and it takes a lot of talking to work him into regular clothes. Any guesses?
If you guessed Footie Pajamas, then you were right! Kai LOVES LOOVVEES footie pajamas. We have several pjs but Kai just wears the same three footie pajamas every. single. day.
Lately, Kai has been getting lots of play time with Liana and Jack. The dynamics between Kai and Liana vs Kai and Jack are weirdly different. Where Kai puts in a lot of effort to entertain Liana, with Jack, he merely has to exhale and Jack is doubled over in hysterical laughter. Kai spends a lot of time driving Liana around the yard, helping her climb the play structure and giving her the space she sometimes requires. With Jack, we screaming, hysterical laughing, someone running into walls, followed by more hysterical laughing. No matter the difference in play, Kai loves their company all the same.
Kai really excels in social communication. It’s not that he knows a lot of words but more that he understands how to have a conversation and how to tell a story. He often recounts funny things that happened, even if it wasn’t that recent. He talks about how he wants to be an astronaut when he gets bigger. He remembers fun things he did when friends and family visit from the mainland or when we visit them. He’s given some of his toys names. He also pretends to travel, especially to one place in particular.
Kai, the builder
Mama put away the legos for a few weeks and brought out blocks and magnet tiles instead. It’s been really interesting to see what he makes (mostly rocket ships).
A few little snapshots of Kai’s life
Mama almost forgot!
Kai officially has a big boy room complete with a theme! Kai loves space so mama got him all things related. That means space blankets, rocket ship posters, glow in the dark stars arranged in famous constellations, space themed bedtime books, and an obnoxiously large solar system mobile. :) We made two videos: one mama did and one Kai did. Choose wisely.