Happy Mother's Day!
Between walking and teething, this kid never stops! Kai now walks almost exclusively and when the front door is open, he even tries to sprint. Kai had a burst of energy this week that made it difficult for him to nap and teething pains that made it difficult for him to sleep through the night. Kai made mommy work day and night all week! Because Kai was so active, we did all sorts of fun activities. By the end of the week, mommy was pretty exhausted.
I am kinetic energy personified.
Mother's Day
It was mommy's very first Mother's Day last Sunday so daddy and Kai spent the weekend doing sweet things for her. Daddy got her a massage at a spa, Kai made her a sweet card, and the family played in the park together.
Kai still doesn't really understand how the whole painting thing works (mostly that we don't eat it). We still try because he has fun making a mess and its a creative family thing to do together.
Water play
The weather is finally starting to get it's act together so we can do some fun things outside. This week we played in the fountain at Maui Mall and looked at fish at Maui Ocean Center. Kai thought the fish were really cool at first and then he just wanted to climb on things.
Kai and Maddox
Over the last few weeks, Kai and Maddox have really bonded. Kai now pets and hugs Maddox very gently. He lets Maddox lick his hands and face and even shares his food with him. They are best friends.
Other Fun Things
New toys. Standing on things we shouldn't stand on. Playing Peek-a-boo. Dropping things outside. Being smiley and cute. Stealing mommy's cookies. Hanging out. Climbing on things.
He still mad
He just couldn't figure out how to get that thing on his head.