I've been putting in that work.
It's like this week he flipped the switch and decided to be a different baby. Kai has been building skills in just about every developmental milestone this week. He's so much more aware of his surroundings and how he fits. He wants to interact with EVERYTHING around him. He's curious. So now mommy and daddy have moved to activities that help him understand his world.
Social and Speech Milestones
He started waving "bye-bye", sharing with family, and his speech has changed. Now he has different tones and pitches. He still doesn't really have "words", but he specific sounds for a few things and points when he wants something. He's also more generous with his hugs and kisses.
Gross Motor Milestones
He's climbing on everything, pushing his cart everywhere, and walking at every chance he gets. He loves climbing up the dog stairs to great grandma and papa's bed then climbing over the back of their chair onto great grandma's body. When we play with Cullen, both Cullen and Kai practice their climbing and crawling. But Cullen can run and Kai has been studying Cullen's technique. :)
Fine Motor Milestones
Kai has a solid pincer grasp for a while since we practice baby-led weaning. Now we are using more tactile activities to increase his fine motor skills. This week, we used all sorts of different art supplies including finger paints, markers, crayons and play-doh.
Cognitive Milestones
He spends a long time understanding how his toys work and how different toys can be used together. He gets frustrated when he can't do something and will sometimes bite his toys. He screams and throws mini-tantrums. At breakfast, Kai sits on mommy's back and watches her cook. When daddy plays electric guitar, Kai spends time pressing the buttons, turning the dials, and strumming the strings.
All this work has led to long naps and restful night's sleep.
One last thing: Papa kept trying to feed Kai dog treats
Mommy brought Papa treats to feed Kai when he feeds the dogs.