Welcome to the world!
After 9 hours of labor, Kai Liu was born at 11:10am on June 24, 2017. He weighed 7.56 pounds and was 20 inches at birth.
Getting cleaned up so daddy can hold him!
Jian was the first person to hold Kai. I figured I held him for the last 9 months. It was Jian's turn. :)
Proud papa!
Since we had our baby on Oahu, we didn't have any family or friends around at birth. It was perfect for us because we got to bond as a new family.
Our first family photo!
Once things settled down, we tried to figure out which features on Kai were from Jian and which were from me. Some were more obvious that others!
We stayed one night in the hospital and then were allowed to go home. We were happy to leave because the food was gross and there were too many doctors, nurses, lactation specialist, social workers, and other annoying people coming in and out of our room. The next day, we had a mommy/baby wellness appointment and found out he had jaundice. A little light therapy with the Biliblanket cleared it right up.
A baby glowing bean.
We took our time telling family and friends when he arrived, but when we did, we made sure we had a little fun doing it. ;)
Kai's nickname may be Pu'upu now....
Jian got one month of paternity leave and is taking advantage of every second. He wakes up in the middle of the night to feed Kai, changes diapers, and carries him everywhere. Kai is very lucky to have a daddy so excited!