"Happy Birthday Tooodaayy"
Kai is officially two years old! Two year old Kai doesn’t wear diapers during the day and sleeps in his own bed at night. Two year old Kai sings his favorite songs and memorizes his favorite books. He plays games with us. He shares with us. He’s curious, independent, and (sometimes annoyingly) loquacious. He’s even trying to tell jokes. Two year old Kai still gets hangry, pushes things when he’s frustrated, and nurses during the day. Even though he’s cut his first two-year molar, he’s been happy and sweet these past couple of weeks.
Guests in the House
Uncle Vince and Uncle Cy joined the family back at their house after their Big Island trip. The Lius showed the Mas around Maui and the Mas cooked and cleaned and played video games. Uncle Cy even rode up and down Haleakala! Kai was pretty stoked that someone else had a bike just like him.
Birthday Boy!
Mama really didn’t have the time or energy to have birthday party at the house after our family trip and guests in the house so she rented out a creative art studio for Kai’s birthday. We stuck to the basics this year: friends, cake, and fun. The boys painted dinosaurs, played pretend, and had a shopping cart disco dance party. After we went home Kai got to open all his presents.
Lots of Friend Time
Kai did a lot of different things with his friends recently. He went to a Hawaiiana concert with Cullen, played in the forest and Iao Valley with the crew, showed off his new car, and even stayed with Jack’s grandparents while the mamas got pedicures.
Class C Driver
Kai has gotten pretty good at driving his car. Mama and daddy still have to watch him when he’s driving so “the battery needs charging” or else they have to spend hours watching him.
He loves his car!
”It goes by so fast” - literally every parent whose kid is older than five
As annoyingly cliche as that phrase is, it’s true. Kai is not a baby anymore. Two years ago, he couldn’t even hold up his own head. Now he’s climbing trees. All he did was cry. Now mama is conversing with him about his day. “Kai got it”, he tells mama regularly. He is becoming a confident, independent person. Mama and daddy couldn’t be more happy.