Same old, same old for this 14 month old.
We had a pretty mellow week doing our regular things. We went to the park with Cullen, story time at the library with Joshua, and swimming at the pool with Jack. We played with our things at home. He is still cutting his eighth tooth. It is very shy. One day it's there, the next, it's gone. Because of this tiny, shy tooth, Kai continues to have restless nights and cranky days. At the same time, Kai is becoming interested in helping us do familiar tasks. He continues to improve upon all his skills. He recognizes himself in the mirror. And he's got a weird sense of humor. For instance, he thinks shaving cream on daddy is hilarious. So is poking mama in the armpits.
Baby chores
We love baby chores! Since Kai is interested in helping around the house, mama and daddy give him as many easy chores he can take on. His regular chores so far are: putting his dirty clothes in the hamper, throwing away trash (including his dirty diapers), helping to unload the dishwasher, helping with laundry, bringing rice to the table, and feeding the pets. It takes longer to do everything but we are happy to see him participating in these daily activities.
Getting better at things
Kai has really been excelling in his fine and gross motor skills ever since he was a baby. He continues to amaze us with his abilities. Even though his speech isn't on par with his motor skills, he comprehends 2-step tasks and can complete them easily. Kai is definitely ready for more structured play time. In the coming weeks, mama will begin introducing a more school-like environment and schedule for him a couple days a week. Mama and daddy are excited to see what new things Kai will be able to do!
Being weirder
Kai is definitely a weird kid and mama loves it so much. She was hoping her little bean would be a little bit nerdy, athletic, and weird. He loves walking around with a hat covering his eyes, which means he repeatedly runs into walls. He munches on popcorn while watching Fraiser. And he does this, whatever this is:
Still throwing fits
This is still happening about once or twice a day.
But still fun
Even with Kai's crazy tantrums and weird eating habits, we still have fun with our little bean.