Hurricane Lane?
"Brace yourself", they told us. So we did. But nothing really happened. All it did was rain in August. Nevertheless, mama prepped the house. Thanks to mama's mama, she knew all the things to do and when the pretend hurricane came, the family was cozy at home with snacks and lots of water.
Even when the power was out, we still had a yummy dinner.
What little rain we did get, we played in.
Kai was his own hurricane, anyway...
Kai is going through another developmental growth spurt. These growth spurts are so fun. SO fun. Boundaries get pushed. Buttons get pushed. Screaming. Boobing. Crying. Boobing. Fits. Sleepless nights. Growth.
So much for mama getting some space.
Like mama said, where there were tears, there was growth. Even though he's been a little extra, he climbs higher, runs faster, and wants to try new things. Mama decided it was time to put some new things out that were more challenging for him. He has a scooping work, a sorting work, a cleaning basket, things to put on in front of the mirror, and a few others. Sometimes, he uses them correctly. Sometimes, he finds a creative use for them.
The trick is to put vinegar in the water so it's used for painting and not drinking.
Kai continues to improve his gross motor skills. Since he started walking a little early, he's had a head start in these milestones. Mama and daddy are getting better at regularly running at the park so Kai has gotten lots of opportunities to practice. Kai has also found it to be his social spot and has started trying to talk to and play with other kids there.
We keep busy
We really were busy this week. Playing with the radio. Holding our papaya. Eating old snacks off the ground with the dogs. Reading books. Looking fresh. Hanging with our boy, Cullen. Had his first Happy Meal.