

The post that was started and never finished

The post that was started and never finished

Ok, ok, Mama knows… she’s been slacking again. But Mama has been busy. Busy getting sleep. Busy helping daddy with the business. Busy running 6 MILES!!! Busy dancing hula. Busy becoming her own person again. And it feels AMAZING! She still loves her little bug but she’s also enjoying this change in the family routine. It’s just not the change in family routine that’s got her happy, it’s the change in Kai too! One big change: KAI IS SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT!!!!!!!! A couple months ago, Mama cut out all nighttime nursing and completely stopped co-sleeping. She explained to Kai that he wakes up in the middle of the night, it was ok to go back to sleep without walking to mama and daddy’s room and it worked! Kai now sleeps in his own bed until 5 or 6 am then cuddles with mama until she wakes up. Daddy is also happy that he is no longer getting punched in the face at 4am by his spawn. It’s such a big step, no wonder mama takes a million photos of him sleeping in his bed.

Happy Anniversary, Gigi and Papa!
This year Gigi and Papa decided they wanted to celebrate with just the family. So we all got dressed up and headed to Wailea for lunch. Everyone had a wonderful time and we even got a few sweet family photos.

H is for Hospital
Papa and Uncle Bob both went to the hospital two weeks ago. It can be scary for little ones to see their loved ones be put in an ambulance, then see them in the hospital. But everyone took time to explain to Kai what happened and made sure to answer his questions and talk about his feelings. Kai did his best to cheer Papa up when he visited and we think it worked.

Stickers cure everything.

Stickers cure everything.

Nerd! He’s a nerd!
You know what, we love nerds! Last week, Kai transitioned into the Big Kid class at school. Most of their works now center around math, English, fine motor, and social skills. Kai even has classmates that actually play and talk with him! Although he is the youngest in class, he WAS READY! At home, mama upped the ante in the difficulty of his works. Kai is now learning to count from 0-100, a bit of geography, lower case letters, spelling, reading, and science. He was ready for that too. :)

He’s got his own motorcycle now
Kai is so lucky to have such a creative daddy. Daddy taped a piece of beer can to Kai’s bike and now it sounds like a motorcycle when he rides. We can’t call it a bike anymore.

Little Chef
Kai is still obsessed with cooking. Now, Kai plays restaurant. He brings us menus, asks what we want, cooks, plates our food and brings it to us. Sometimes, he asks if we want salt or pepper. Mama still lets him help in the kitchen. Kai even made a cake for Gigi and Papa’s anniversary!

Kula Country Farms Pumpkin Patch!
It was really just an opportunity to take cute pictures of a couple of best buds . Mission accomplished. :)

A few more pictures in the life of Kai…

Get Ready!

Get Ready!

Shaka, bra!

Shaka, bra!