Daddy was gone last week
We made it! Daddy left early Tuesday morning last week so it was just Kai and mama. Mama tried her best to keep up the normal routine, but by Sunday evening she fell asleep right after Kai. Mama was glad to have daddy back to help pick up some of the chores and play with Kai. We both missed his company.
He’s been a bit of a handful lately
Kai’s vocabulary has increase tenfold recently! He is repeating phrases, using different tenses and adverbs (especially directional ones). He’s also started running fast, which makes all that working out mama does when he’s at school totally worth it. However, with all these new developments, comes restless nights, short naps, and very, very short fuses.
We spent the week being social
We never miss a Forest Frolic with Friends if we can help it and this week was no different. We did the usual: snacks, tea, chat, dig in dirt, climb trees, etc. We even saw an excavator and wood chipper! All the boys lost their minds with excitement when they saw the machines working. Liana could have cared less.
Tuesday, Liana and Auntie Kira came over to hang out. They played games, drank chocolate milk, took selfies, and ate popcorn off the floor. Good times!
We, of course had to have a beach day with Jack!
Kai, mama, Gigi, and Papa went to Auntie Robyn’s and Uncle Gary’s house for a party! Kai was the only little one there but impressed everyone with how well behaved he was. Even mama had to admit that he was on his best behavior. Lucky mama!
School update!
Kai is really enjoying his time at school. Even though he still struggles with drop-off, it doesn’t last long and mama is soon getting photos of him having a good time. In just a few weeks, Kai’s social skills have increased dramatically. Now he plays with friends, cares how they feel, and likes to participate in group activities. Even though homeschooling is a top priority for mama, that doesn’t mean she will neglect Kai’s social development.
We stayed active!
Even with daddy gone, mama tried her best to get in all her runs. Kai also had plenty of opportunities to let out all his energy. He is getting better at his balance bike and he’s learning new skills in gymnastics. Mama and daddy both believe in the importance of an active lifestyle and are happy to see their little bean following suit.
Eggs and things that make eggs
Evidently, it was Easter weekend. Even though the Liu’s don’t celebrate, mama and Kai couldn’t help but get roped into egg decorating with Auntie Jamie. Kai had so much fun at auntie’s house, he had a very hard time leaving.
Mama and Kai had a lunch date at the Millhouse and Kai got to feed chickens, ducks, and even a few nene. He LOVES feeding the birds.
He’s eating again!
We all know Kai isn’t much of an eater so it’s always a big deal when he starts shoveling food in his mouth. With all his craziness this week, I wouldn’t be surprised if he grows an inch or two soon!
I leave you with a few candid photos of Kai Liu.