Big Changes
Much change
He's six weeks old and we're still alive (barely). The beginning of the week marked the peak of his fussiness. It was so fun staying up with a crying baby on the couch all night. So much fun. Just the definition of fun.... so fun. But after that he was a different baby. Now he stays up for long stretches looking at things, cooing, and chillaxing. He's smiling more when he is awake and has done some silent practice laughing. He likes staying up so much now that getting him to nap for more than 15 minutes has become our new SUPER FUN challenge (so so fun).
We try all the things for nap time and it works 50% of the time...
When he does fall asleep, however, we take the opportunity to force him to entertain us. This game is called "How many random objects can we put on his head while he is sleeping?"
We call this move "The Frybrow".
This game is called "New ways to listen to your baby cry"
Even though long naps weren't for Kai this week, he stayed in pretty good mood when he was up.

Getting back out there
We love playing outside on our beautiful island and I've finally healed enough to do some of our favorite activities. Even Kai enjoyed our little nature adventures.
We never feel like we are really home until we go to the beach. We haven't gone once since coming back from Oahu but today was the day! Kai even got to experience the waves for the first time.
Let's leave on a happy baby video. :)