I don't stop playin' till I pass out!
Kai has been goin' hard this week! Kai's sleep patterns are starting to change. Now he can stay up a little longer before his first nap and he's taking advantage of every second! It feels like he is learning new things faster than before. He makes many more sounds. He is cruising, pushing chairs while he walks, and lunges from one object to another while standing. Kai can spend a long time playing by himself (Notice the operative word here is "can". He can, but sometimes he won't). He's made so much progress in different areas of development, it's no wonder his sleep patterns are changing!
You can tell that mommy and daddy are totally ok with this even though it was way past bedtime.
We did a lot of fun things this week
On Sunday, we had breakfast with Grandma and Papa in Paia. There was even live music and Kai was very excited to listen and dance during breakfast.
Cullen came over! We all ate breakfast together before using all the toys in the playroom. Cullen showed Kai how to sit in the chair and read books. Cullen also knew how to use the cart and showed Kai by pushing it all around the house. We had so much fun that as soon as they left, Kai passed out for hours. :)
We had TWO beach days this week! It hasn't been beach weather for a while but we decided to take our chances and go to Kihei. The weather was perfect and we even ate at some yummy restaurants (and then long naps after).
He got into all the things.
Kai even took time out of his busy schedule to play with mommy and daddy.
Kai loves music and now has a new way of showing it.
We end this post with two pictures of a sleeping baby and three pictures of a smiling baby.