I'm a social butterfly!
He's growing up and filling out
Can you believe Kai is already 8 weeks old?! He's not such a little bean anymore! He coos and smiles when he looks at us. His arm movements are becoming more purposeful. He is holding his neck up better. But the most obvious sign of growth is he is no longer fitting some of his clothes. :(
"Excuse me good sir, I know I'm a size 0! I've been a size 0 my ENTIRE life!"
Trying new things
Now that Kai is a little older, we're trying a few new things. We let him try to self-soothe and he's been doing well calming himself down. We don't wake him in the middle of the night to eat. After he's done eating, we put him down and let him play by himself.
We also let him nap on his belly. Even though this is not recommended at his age, he seems to like it better and sleeps much longer this way during the day.
He's a tech-savvy socialite
Kai may be thousands of miles from aunties, uncles, and grandparents but he gets to hear and see them on a weekly basis (especially grandma) thanks to FaceTime. It's so important that he has these moments because he gets used to their voices, faces, and in daddy's parents case, language. Kai even got to virtually crash Scotch Club! He's officially one of the boys.
This social butterfly is not opposed to some good ol' fashion face time. Kai went over to Auntie Jamie's and loved her dog Jerry. Auntie Nia and Cullen came to visit. Cullen was excited to play with Kai but was happy to play with all his toys until Kai gets a little bigger. :) When mommy and daddy took Kai to the beach, he stayed with Auntie Robyn and Uncle Gary so mommy and daddy could paddleboard together.
Great grandma visits Kai almost every day. Some visits go better than others.
This visit didn't go so well.
He always seems to get the last laugh...
We make fun of our baby a lot because, well, he deserves it. But he's not the victim and can dish it out too (especially when mommy wants to take heartfelt videos of precious moments).
"I am Chien Po." :D
Mommy has a lot of memory on her phone
So she took a few extra photos...