Dora the Explorer got nothin' on me!
This little boy is all over the place these days! At 7 months, Kai still isn't quite crawling but he is moving everywhere. Kai is very independent and spends most of the day exploring the house. The house is mostly baby-proof but there is always something new mommy didn't think Kai would notice.
I didn't think you would see these...
His own room
Mommy and daddy have moved Kai to his own room for naptime and bedtime. We have been spending a lot of time in there so Kai can feel happy and comfortable in his new space. Everything in his room is neatly placed for him to discover. There isn't a lot in his room (which makes it easy for mommy and daddy to clean) but Kai doesn't mind. He even sleeps on a mattress on the floor so when he wakes up, he can get out himself and play with his things. On Friday, Kai woke up in the morning all by himself, got down from his bed, and army-crawled to daddy, who was waiting in mommy and daddy's doorway.
"In the great green room, there was a telephone and a red balloon..."
Water play
Kai spent a lot of time in the water this week. Between diaper rashes, messy eating, and beach days, Kai was a definite water baby. He used to hate baths but now he loves splashing in the water, drinking the water, putting his face in the water, and swimming in the water. Mommy and daddy are so happy he is having so much fun!
His favorite thing to do is eat
Mommy and daddy are practicing baby-led weaning. Kai is always given whole foods to bite into; no purees. Mommy makes almost all his food from scratch and tries to give him lots of variety in texture and color. Mealtime has been a great time for Kai to practice chewing and his fine motor skills. Most of his food goes everywhere but his mouth but since he's still a regular and Le Restaurant Boob, mommy doesn't care.
Hey! Uncle Vince is here!
It's pretty rad and everyone is happy he is here. Daddy took a three day weekend so we could play at the beach!
All the extra pictures and videos.