I don't always wear diapers on my head
This boy is getting chunkier and stronger by the minute! Mommy and daddy can't even keep up. Kai has become more interested in all kinds of things in his world, including the pets, food we eat and his toes. He is also increasingly more mobile. Tummy time is now accompanied with scooting and rolling from front to back.
Here he is doing it again.
This week, Kai has taken a particular interest in his feet and toes. He tries to hit his toys with his feet, feel his soft blankets with his toes, and watches his big toe wriggle around.
Hiking Adventures
We decided to be so tough with our baby and went out to the backside of Haleakala for a little off-roading, picnic, and hike. Mommy and daddy are starting to realize how having a baby may not stop you from doing what you used to do, but it does change the game considerably. What we would have called a walk, we now call a hike. And mishaps that may have spoiled the mood brings a little comedy to the mix (like baby poop on your hands or baby pee in your crotch). Even though we were tired and unsanitary, we all had fun.
Prepping Babysitters
Mommy and daddy moved away from their extensive babysitting network right before they found out Kai was coming. But luckily there are a few eager McBeavers willing to watch this little bean. Auntie Jamie will be the first to watch Kai while mommy and daddy go out for their anniversary. We visited her on Labor Day and she got to practice diaper changes!
He's not a sleeper
Oh, how mommy wish he was. Every time she thinks he's asleep, she turns around and...
Kai forgets that the quality of mommy's parenting depends on how many naps both Kai and mommy get. She did not get enough this week.
This little bean may be eating away at our sanity, but at least he keeps us entertained. Perhaps, too entertained (judging by the thousand pictures I have on my phone).