Mama can't get over how cute I am
Wow. Just wow, Kai. He’s doing so many things mama and daddy are in a little bit of awe. Some things are sweet: Like when he saw mama taking a nap, stroked her hair, gave her a kiss, and walked away. Some things are unexpected: He’s been building trains, boats, and excavators out of his blocks. Some things mama hates: Spitting. Yeah. He spits when he’s angry. Some things are a little embarrassing: Kai had some trouble standing up his bike and repeatedly said, “damnit”… Some things just blow her mind: He started recognizing letters! A couple weeks ago, mama started showing Kai flashcards for numbers, letters, and colors. Now Kai knows all 10 basic colors and a few letters. Watch mama step it up a notch and see what else she can teach him!
Cool New Things!
Mama is obsessed with finding new challenges for Kai to practice. But daddy also put her on a budget. This month she blew most of it on a balance bike! Totally worth it.
Rainy day activities
Since it’s still too windy and rainy to visit the park in the afternoons, mama took up Auntie Paula’s offer to join Jack and her at a creative art studio! It was just perfect for the boys! Kai had a ton of fun pretending, painting, and dancing!
Playing Tour Guide
Cousin Pui Pui and her boyfriend, Jaccob, stayed with us this week! Even with the less than perfect weather, they were able to do a few fun things. Kai, an experienced tour guide of Maui, showed them around.
Showing them the proper way to finish Sam Sato saimen.
Kai showed them how to enjoy Iao before being dragged away.
He showed them how to beach.
They brought him a new game to play.
Forest Friends, Unite!
For the first time in over a month, all of our forest friends were able to play this Wednesday! Since it was still too rainy for the forest, Auntie Paula let us come to her house! Muddy puddle was immediately found. Although Cullen got muddy (as per his usual), Liana took the prize for being most muddy. She ended up getting naked so she could wear a muddy body suit. When it was finally time to leave, rebellion ensued. Kai ran away screaming, “NO! NO! NO!”, while Cullen tried a more subtle approach by stating he needed to help clean (and then found a hole under the porch to crawl through). These kids have too much fun together.
Because mama couldn’t choose which picture she liked best…
One last sweet thing.