Who is this child?
Can we just take a moment to acknowledge how much Kai is looking more like a little boy and less like a little baby? Ok. Thank you.
Rain. Rain. Rain. It’s been 4 full weeks of rain. Mama took the opportunity to introduce new things for Kai, like potty training, climbing, and even a new routine. Everyday, Kai uses words more and more to describe what he sees and what he is doing. Mama and daddy are so proud of their talking spawn, who talks all day. All day. ALL. DAY. Mama is no longer worried about his language development.
We do school things now.
Kai now has three times during the day scheduled to practice letters, numbers, and writing. Lessons are short and sweet followed by something fun, like playing in sand. Most days, we only get to practice once or twice but a little bit goes a long way. Kai has already started counting to two on his own!
Sorting beans is his new favorite activity.
He’s a better listener these days
The operative word here is “better”. Kai may choose not to listen to mama but he is quickly learning mama makes sure he hears her. He is especially good at cleaning up. He picks up his toys, cleans his messes, and even cleans other people’s messes. Mama is enjoying having a clean, listening boy.
Toddler Fashion Update!
No pants and oversized shoes are totally in right now.
Can he be any more sweet with his baby?
I mean, seriously. Can he even? He’s even got a blanket for his baby that Gigi made for her. Stop playin’. That’s too freaking sweet.
We do have to remember to pick them up at night because no one wants to be surprised by this.
Lastly, everything he does is so freaking cute.
Ok, not everything. But when he was doing these things.