Settling in.
Kai is 3 weeks old today! He is getting more fun to play with because he stays up more during the day, is more alert, and responds to sounds and visuals. He smiles a lot now, especially after he eats (because he is our child :P). This week, Kai had his first airplane ride, took a conference call for work with daddy, and met his Maui ohana. Mommy and daddy are starting to get into a rhythm of how to take care of this little bean while still having fun.
Hobbies with modifications
We love trying new foods, traveling, playing games, enjoying nature, and exercising but I was worried once we had a baby all that would change. Having Kai around has definitely changed how we do things but he hasn't stopped us from enjoying our hobbies (not yet, anyways).
He is all drama
Kai is a lot of drama. Especially when he gets his diaper changed. There have been many occasions when one of us holds his hand while he goes through the torture of a diaper change. The struggle is real.
We meant to stay on Oahu until July 21st but we missed home. Oahu's food is nice but Maui's everything is better. We decided to change our ticket and surprise the family. Guess who was THE MOST excited!
Kai meets his Great Grandma Tamara!
Meeting Great Papa Andy!
I think Maddox thinks we brought him a new toy.
Jian has his dog and his baby in his arms. He is content. :)
A boy and his dog
They are already best friends.
The many faces of Kai
In case you felt like there weren't enough pictures, here's 15 more. And a video.