Is there something on my lip?
Kai is just a few weeks from his first birthday and he is definitely much more fun than he was a year ago! Last year at this time, Kai was kicking mommy's bladder and making it hard for her to breathe. Now he plays games, dances, and laughs at everything he thinks is silly. He pouts and whines and cries and runs to mommy too. But even with all his drama, everyone always says he is such a happy baby.
All smiles.
Learning new words
This week, Kai has become a little sponge for knowledge. Not only does he watch what we do, but now he has begun copying us! Language and communication has become a new focus for us. Daddy now speaks to Kai in Cantonese and mommy has taught him a few words in sign language. Kai can point to foods he wants and sign the word "more" or use the sign for "all done" when he is finished. When he hands something to someone and they say thank you, he copies them.
Playing with Maddox
Kai continues to bond with Maddox every day. Maddox has just the right balance of patience for Kai. Kai continues to learn how to be gentle and take care of animals thanks to Maddox.
Like I said, he's still learning. :)
Who wore it best?
Mommy's has been sharing some of her baby things with friends who recently had little ones. When she found out her friend Claudette was pregnant, mommy shared lots of Kai's things, including her coveted Happy Baby Wrap (5 hours later, however, she asked for it back because she wasn't ready to part with it). But when she gave it to Claudette the second time, she couldn't wait to see Baby Ethan in it. So mommy and Kai went down to show Auntie Claudette how to wear it. Now we must know: Who wore it best?
So you think you can dance?
If you didn't already know, Kai loves music. He always has. He carefully plucks each string on the guitars and ukuleles. He loves listening to daddy when he plays. And when a good song comes on...
Other things we did this week
Looked at fish with Cullen. Met new friends and family. Played at the park. Shopped. Hung around the house. Curtains.