This is my last week as 0 years old.
This is mommy's 54th post about The Adorable Kai Liu and the very last post before Kai turns one. Mommy created these posts so family and friends far away could watch Kai grow. Little did she know she would look at the posts more than anyone else (WAY more). He's grown so much in a year. Time has indeed flown by.

Reluctant mother-to-be
Mommy wanted to have lots of babies when she was young and full of energy. But when she turned 30, she decided sleeping and spending money on herself was way more fun than babies. But then she got pregnant and daddy bribed her to stick with it. Mommy hated it but she found comfort eating her way through the McDonalds dollar menu and and a lifetime supply of donuts.
Also, it's Father's Day
Not to steal the spotlight, but it's daddy's very first Father's Day. It's thanks to daddy that Kai is with us today. He worked hard to make sure mommy was taken care of during and after she had Kai. He is so lucky to have a daddy who sees him so often, gives him so much love, and teaches him so many things. Daddy requested that he get to spend the day with his mini-me and that's what we did. :)
Trying new things
Now that Kai can walk confidently, he is very keen on exploring his world and stretching his boundaries. Sometimes we're ok with it, sometimes not so much. Mommy and daddy rarely have an opportunity to eat their own food without Kai asking for a taste. Lucky for Kai, his parents are happy to share with their little foodie. Kai has also become interested in something mommy has mixed feelings about: TV. Kai has one movie he likes and sometimes sits with mommy when she watches her shows. Even though she doesn't want him watching it too much, it is nice for mommy to get a little break. ;)
For this very last post before Kai turns one, Kai and Cullen.
The style these two have...